We Decided to Lease our Property

We Would Become a Landlord

Below are some common leasing situations we encountered along with some possible outcomes. For each of these, which of the three choices do you think was our outcome?

When the Furnace Broke in Hell

When a House Issue Needed to be Addressed the Tenant Would:

  • Immediately call us
  • Immediately call the local police, fire and/or health department
  • Not alert us, and waited until the situation was dire

When Speaking to Others the Tenant Would Refer to Us:

  • By our first names
  • As the landlord
  • As slumlords

Our Neighbors got to Know our Tenant Because the Tenant Would:

  • Bring them freshly baked cookies
  • Wave hello when they drove up the driveway
  • Walk their big dog on our neighbor’s lawns and not clean-up

When we Asked the Tenant for More Information to Know how Best to Assist Them With an Issue They Would Respond By:

  • Immediately providing whatever was needed
  • Providing what they thought would be useful
  • Telling us we were harassing them

The Author

Nothing could have prepared us for this.

The research we did on leasing property or our past experiences with people in business. None of it equipped us with the skills and know-how to constantly deal with what be began to refer to as the ‘craziness’ and ‘noise and nonsense’.

Our leasing experience taught us a lot. While most of it we could have gone through our lives happy not to have ever had to learn, we are happy to say that we did figure out what we needed to do. We had to figure it out because the reality was we couldn’t find any literature or free services that aid a landlord when a tenant’s behaviors are less than reasonable (we did learn, however, that there is a plethora of literature and free services available to a tenant when a landlord is not being reasonable).

Had our experience been an anomaly, we would have moved on, once our tenant moved out. However, once we began to seek advice from other landlords in similar residential leasing arrangements, we learned our experience was ‘normal’. Because of this we decided to share our experience and what it taught us as our hope is a novice residential landlord would find this information beneficial.

Novel Author

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When the Furnace Broke in Hell

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